Baked Potatoes With Stuffing Recipe For Workaholics Casual Party

Potatoes contain carbohydrate and it can be a good substitute for rice or maize. Baked potato recipe can be a quick and simple meal recipe for workaholics. There are varieties of potatoes such as Russet, Starchy potato and others.



2 large oval shaped starchy potatoes

1 tablespoon butter

1 tablespoon fresh cream

2 tablespoon mozzarella cheese 

Salt to taste

Ground white pepper to taste



Wash the potatoes and ensure that no soil sticks to the skin although; traditional oven on the ground uses clay to bake food. Bake the potato for 1 hour and check whether it is soft at the centre when a fork is pressed into the potato. Cut the potatoes into half and scoop out the soft part of the potato into a bowl.


Mix the butter, cream, salt and pepper in the mixing bowl and fill in the potato shells with the mixture. Sprinkle mozzarella cheese on top of the potatoes and bake for another 10 minutes and serve hot.

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