Acai Berry Medicinal and Health Benefits

Acai Berry is small, round and black in colour. Acai Berry could only be found in Amazon rainforests once upon a time. Acai Berry contains higher antioxidant vitamins compared to Grapes and Blueberries. Acai Berry is number 1, followed by Blueberry and Grapes. Acai Berry has vitamin A, vitamin C and Vitamin E.  

Medicinal and Health Benefits of Acai Berry
– Acai Berry is known to lower level of cholesterol.
– Acai Berry also helps in improving heart health.
– Acai Berry slows the ageing process.
– Acai Berry prevent diseases related to cellular oxidative damage due to antioxidant properties. 

Acai berries are usually used in juices, sodas and smoothies. One of the commercial product which has Acai Berry juice is BRAND’S InnerShine Berry Essence.

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