Avocado Health Benefits and Medicinal Uses

Avocado is in pear shape with dark green colour and a large seed. Avocado is a good antioxidant for health, which helps us from the free radicals we are exposed to everyday. Avocado is rich in vitamin E which is valuable for healthy skin and the prevention of wrinkles. Avocado is also high in potassium which can be a good substitute to banana if you are not from the Ape family.

Avocado is used to make juice, puree, Avocado oil or consumed fresh.

Medicinal and Health Benefits of Avocado:

– Avocado oil is a good facial oil to have youthful and healthy skin.
– Avocado consumption is good for malnutrition because of abundant supply of vitamins.
– Avocado is good to avoid Constipation.
– Avocado can be consumed if you have ulcer.
– Avocado is used in treating Insomnia.

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