Vegetable Punch With a Fruit To Taste For Healthy Life

Vegetable Punch with a fruit to taste for healthy life.


  • ¼ Carrots
  • 20 grams Beetroot
  • 1 Green Apple
  • ¼ Cucumbers
  • Salt for taste or a pinch
  • ½ tablespoon Honey

Vege and apple


Cut the apple into slices and remove seeds from the center core. Scrape and cut beetroot into small pieces. Wash and cut carrot and cucumber into small pieces. Insert the apple into the juice extractor and followed by all the other vegetables. Finally add in the salt and honey and serve immediately to consume fresh enzymes for healthy life.

Note: If a fresh fruit or vegetable juice is consumed after 15 minutes, fresh enzymes quality deteriorate and does not give the maximum benefit needed for the body.

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