What we need to know about Glycemic Index (GI) the measurement of glucose (blood sugar)?

Glycemic IndexLay man term of Glycemic Index (GI) – Every time we eat carbohydrate, it is changed to glucose which is blood sugar. GI is the measurement level for Glucose in body.

Every human who is concern about Health will go through Blood Sugar test in their lifetime. 1 of the killer disease in the world – The famous “Diabetic”.

While, I was working in the strawberry farm, I met 1 German young chap who is only 22 but he had stocks of Insulin due to Diabetic. He had to take injection on his tummy or thigh each time before he ate. What he ate? 2 rolls of bun with butter and a cup of sugarless tea for breakfast and needs a jap of Insulin. We went to Misery beach for Christmas and he carried his insulin along with him. I cannot imagine living a life like that after having a wonderful family history of 3 people dying due to Diabetic both maternal and paternal side.

Glycemic Index Levels

  1. High Glycemic Index – Carbohydrate food that break down fast after eating and instantly creating(glucose) are White Rice, Potatoes, Cereals, Breakfast Bars and Chapatti .
  2. Medium Glycemic Index – Carbohydrate food that break down moderately after eating and creating(glucose) are Raisins, Wheat Noddle, Wheat Spaghetti, Basmati Rice and Brown Rice.
  3. Low Glycemic Index – Carbohydrate food that break down slowly after eating and creating(glucose) are Grains, Fruits and Vegetables

If you want sugar rush than opt for High GI food, usually active people need High GI food. One good example is farmers in Asia, Rice is subtle food. If you are a 9-5 pm job person in front of the computer, better to stick with Low GI food.

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